I wish I was better about posting, but I never really have anything to say! I am such a lucky Mom. Blake has been sleeping through the night for the past couple of weeks. He sleeps a good 7-8 hours. He is such an easy going kid. He has his bouts of screaming, but stick a bottle or pacifier in his mouth and he is content. If that doesn't work I just have to put him where he can look me eye to eye and talk to him. Then he coos and gurgles right back at me. So since there isn't much to talk about, I am just going to post some pictures of him at 7 weeks to show how much he is growing. We go to the doctor for his 2 month check up on Monday. I can't wait to hear what he has to say! I am sure he will want to test Blake for giftedness.
Relaxing in his favorite spot- the swing.
Talking with Mom.
Playing with Mom.
Whatchoo talkin bout, Willis?
He loves his Gilley Gator!
Family Jambalaya Night
1 year ago
ohmy heavens, what a cutie pie! seems like just yesterday mia was 7 wks old........it ZIPS by, just u wait : ) Glad he's getting long stretches of sleep for you guys.. nothing worse than a sleep deprived mommy : )
Do you ever put clothes on your child?? Just wondering.... maybe you're preparing him to become the next Michael Phelps?!
LOL. No, I never dress my child. We run our own little nudist colony around here. Don't ever stop by unannounced!
Sadly enough, I have never noticed that. I am going to go through his closet and take pictures of him in each outfit for proof that he has clothes!
He just keeps getting cuter and cuter all the time! What a doll!!!
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