My Mom will be the first to tell you... but I will admit it. I am sneaky. Always have been, always will be. The latest case in point is our last trip to the baby doctor. It was supposed to be a routine check in which my doc had previously told us we definitely would NOT find out the sex of the baby. He is a very cruel man. His reasoning was that he has been in the business for way too long and has been "burned" way too many times.
He put the heart monitor on my stomach and listened to the baby's heartbeat. He said everything sounded good and then he asked if everything was ok with me. I was quick to say no. I told him my cyst had REALLY been hurting me and that I would get sudden sharp pains in my left side. Which wasn't ALL a lie. My cyst had hurt. Or at least something had hurt in my left side. Once. This concerned the doctor because my cyst was large. He decided a sonogram would be necessary now to check on the cyst!! Todd and I stared as hard as we could at the screen. He showed us the spine, head and all that uneventful stuff. Then he asked if we wanted his "guess" on what the baby was. DUH! So he told us a guess... but I won't bother you with the guess for now. The level 2 sonogram is Tuesday so we should have a definitive answer by then.
The funniest part is that he looked for the cyst and it was COMPLETELY gone! Which is wonderful news except for the fact that it proved what a liar I really am!