We were not able to determine the sex of the baby today. We were also told that we WON'T find out at our next visit in 4 weeks either! My doctor basically explained his reasoning by saying he has been burned by insurance too many times because they won't pay for the sonogram. We had a sonogram today!! I wanted to just lean over and push the zoom in button on the machine, but I couldn't find it.
On a happy note... the baby is healthy and everything is going great! Baby Bing was moving all over the place and his heart rate was 156. He looked like he was dancing! He also had what looked like hiccups which is also what I look like when I am dancing. He is precious!
Family Jambalaya Night
1 year ago
Well, emjay's been know to perform her "needle tied to a string" baby sex test. Been known to work!
A couple of thoughts...First of all, I am SO excited for you! I posted that on your old blog and then deleted that blog from my blogroll.
I'm at 22 weeks right now. We just found out the sex of the baby at 21 weeks. 18-23ish weeks is the general looksee time for the gender. The baby is just the "right size" for seeing that clearly. When I see you in person sometime, I'll tell you what my doctor said when he discovered out baby was a boy.
And lastly, I have never had anyone do the string-above-the-wrist test and come out wrong. So, there you go. I'm sure it's documented scientifically somewhere.
Congrats again!!
I am bringing a needle and string to the party tonight! I am dying to find out! I am not a very patient person.
Sarah, I am so excited for you! I have been missing from the blog world so I had no clue! Congratulations!
Hey, I said it on your other blog but congrats Nancy Beth, couldn't be happier! On a completely other note, the "tricks" to find out are usually wrong, at least for me...I had a lady do the string/quarter trick and she SWORE I was having a boy with Gwen...yeah, she's the girliest girl around folks. By the way, did you notice you are calling baby bing, "he"? Just sayin'...also, I've looked at that strange Chinese calendar thing and it was right both times with Gwen and Graelyn...but whatever:)
I am totally feeling that it is a "he". I don't know what it is but I have no question in my mind that it is a boy. Todd thinks it is a girl and is quick to correct my "he" comments. I tried the Chinese calendar, but I found 2 different ones that say 2 different things! I don't know which to trust.
String thing worked for me. I also just "felt I knew" the sex of all 3 of mine---and I was right all 3 times. Toot, toot. (that's me tooting my own horn)
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