Sunday, December 28, 2008


McDonald's turns off their milkshake machine at midnight. They also will not turn it back on even if you tell them you are pregnant.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I hate insurance companies

We were not able to determine the sex of the baby today. We were also told that we WON'T find out at our next visit in 4 weeks either! My doctor basically explained his reasoning by saying he has been burned by insurance too many times because they won't pay for the sonogram. We had a sonogram today!! I wanted to just lean over and push the zoom in button on the machine, but I couldn't find it.
On a happy note... the baby is healthy and everything is going great! Baby Bing was moving all over the place and his heart rate was 156. He looked like he was dancing! He also had what looked like hiccups which is also what I look like when I am dancing. He is precious!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wonderful News!

We finally get to tell people that we are expecting! With Todd's broken arm, it took awhile to get the great news out to all of our friends and family in person. Baby Bing is due on July 1st, which is our 3 year anniversary! He/she will be 13 weeks tomorrow and the size of a medium shrimp.

We have another doctor's appointment in the morning. Some books say that the sex could possibly be determined by then, but we aren't getting our hopes up. All in all I have been feeling pretty good. I had a couple weeks of all-day sickness instead of morning sickness. There was also a day when I had to turn out the lights in my classroom and lay down behind my desk while the kids were at P.E. because I was so exhausted. I don't really look pregnant yet, I just look like I have been enjoying a lot of chocolate milkshakes... which I have. Great, now I want a milkshake.